The Law Continues to Get Better for Minnesota Employees: MHRA Expanded

The Minnesota Human Rights Act (MHRA) has been expanded in several important ways that will help employees across Minnesota. Governor Walz has signed a new bill, HF 4109, and it’s packed with great updates to the MHRA to help workers all over the state. Some highlights of the changes include:

Key Points of the New Law

  1. Intersectional Discrimination: The new law recognizes that discrimination can happen to people who belong to more than one protected group. This means if someone faces unfair treatment because they belong to multiple groups, like being both a woman and a person of color, the law will protect them.
  2. Disability Definition: The law now has a broader definition of “disability.” It includes conditions that come and go or are in remission, aligning more closely with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA).
  3. Harassment Protection: It’s now clear that harassment based on any protected characteristic (like race, gender, or disability) is against the law, not just sexual harassment.
  4. Familial Status: The definition of “familial status” has been expanded, but the details are not provided in the summary.
  5. Extended Deadlines: If the Minnesota Department of Human Rights (MDHR) dismisses a claim, workers now have 90 days to file a lawsuit, instead of the previous 45 days. This matches the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) limit.
  6. Statute of Limitations: If MDHR takes too long to investigate a case, workers won’t lose their right to file a lawsuit because of it. This fixes some old case law problems.
  7. Punitive Damages: There is no longer a cap on punitive damages for claims against non-government entities. This means workers can potentially receive more money if they win their case because their employer intentionally or recklessly violated the law.
  8. Treble Damages: The law confirms that workers can get triple the amount of emotional distress damages, not just economic damages.
  9. Jury Decisions: In cases under the Minnesota Human Rights Act, a jury, not a judge, will decide all damages questions.

How the Law Came to Be

This bill was created by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights (MDHR) and is the first of its kind. The MDHR submitted an omnibus bill that was carried forward and put into law in a bipartisan effort, and signed by Governor Walz. Kitzer Rochel attorneys Frances Baillon, Phillip Kitzer, and Brian Rochel all helped in the effort to expand the MHRA along with many other members of Minnesota’s Chapter of the National Employment Lawyers Association (MN-NELA). Thanks to the effort of many dedicated lawyers and lawmakers, we’ve achieved something amazing by working together. This new law will provide better protection and support for workers in Minnesota.

When Do the Changes Come Into Effect

Some of the new provisions are in effect already because they only clarify the existing law. Any new legal requirement added by the law will go into effect on August 1, 2024. Contact us if you have questions about this exciting new update or employment law more generally.

U.S. Supreme Court Issues Major Victory in Sex Discrimination Case, Lowering the Standard for Proving Discrimination

On April 17, 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling clarifying that any discriminatory treatment of an employee violates Title VII. The Court ruled in favor of an employee, Sergeant Jatonya Clayborn Muldrow, in her sex discrimination case against the City of St. Louis. Muldrow, who worked as a plainclothes officer in the St. Louis Police Department’s Intelligence Division, was transferred to a uniformed job in the Fifth District against her wishes. She alleged that the transfer was due to her being a woman and that it negatively impacted her employment terms and conditions.

The lower courts had rejected Muldrow’s claim, stating that she needed to show that the transfer caused a “significant” employment disadvantage. However, the Supreme Court rejected this approach, stating that Title VII’s text does not establish such a high bar for proving harm in a discrimination case.

Justice Kagan, who delivered the opinion of the Court, emphasized that while an employee must show some harm from a forced transfer (or other type of employment action) to prevail in a Title VII suit, they need not show that the injury satisfies any sort of significance test. The Court vacated the judgment of the Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit and remanded the case for further proceedings consistent with its opinion.

This decision is a major victory for employees who face discrimination in the workplace, as it clarifies that they do not need to meet an elevated threshold of harm to pursue a Title VII claim. The Supreme Court’s ruling reinforces the importance of protecting workers from discriminatory practices that adversely affect their employment terms and conditions, regardless of the perceived significance of the harm caused.

If you have questions about the Muldrow decision, gender discrimination, or employment law generally, please contact us today.


Protecting Workers’ Rights: Understanding Employment Retaliation Laws in Minnesota

In the dynamic landscape of employment, workers’ rights and protections stand as pillars of ensuring fair treatment and equitable conditions in the workplace. Among these safeguards is the prohibition of employment retaliation, a crucial aspect of labor laws designed to shield employees from adverse actions by employers in response to protected activities. In the state of Minnesota, stringent laws are in place to safeguard workers against retaliation, fostering a culture of fairness and respect in the workplace.

Minnesota’s employment retaliation laws are enshrined in various statutes and regulations, primarily under the Minnesota Human Rights Act (MHRA) and the Minnesota Whistleblower Act (MWA). These laws serve as powerful tools in protecting employees who exercise their rights or report unlawful conduct within their workplace.

The MHRA prohibits employers from retaliating against employees who oppose discrimination or participate in proceedings related to discrimination claims. This includes actions such as filing a complaint, providing testimony, or assisting others in asserting their rights under the MHRA. The law covers various forms of retaliation, including termination, demotion, harassment, or any adverse employment action taken in response to protected activities.

Similarly, the MWA shields employees from retaliation when they report suspected violations of law or public policy by their employers. Protected disclosures under the MWA include reporting suspected or planned unlawful conduct, safety violations, fraud, or other illegal activities. Employers are prohibited from taking retaliatory measures against employees who make such reports, ensuring that whistleblowers can come forward without fear of repercussions. Protections against retaliation are very broad.

It’s important to note that Minnesota’s employment retaliation laws extend protection to a wide range of workers, including full-time, part-time, and temporary employees, as well as independent contractors in certain circumstances. Additionally, individuals who assist or support employees in exercising their rights are also safeguarded against retaliation under these and similar laws.

Employment retaliation can have serious consequences, not only for the individuals directly affected but also for the overall workplace environment and morale. By upholding strong protections against retaliation, Minnesota aims to foster a culture where employees feel empowered to assert their rights and speak out against injustices without fear of reprisal.

Employers found in violation of Minnesota’s employment retaliation laws may face significant legal consequences, including monetary damages, reinstatement of employment, and injunctive relief. Moreover, repeated violations can tarnish a company’s reputation and erode trust between employers and employees.

If you have additional questions about employment retaliation in Minnesota, or feel that you may have experienced retaliation, contact us today.

EEOC Issues Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Regulations

Last December, President Biden signed the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) into law. The PWFA requires employers to accommodate employees who are affected by pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions so that they can remain healthy while retaining their jobs.

This week, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued a proposed rule to implement and interpret the PWFA. The rule provides important clarifications on what the PWFA means, and outlines examples of situations where it would apply.

For example, telling your supervisor that you’re having trouble getting to work at your scheduled start time because of morning sickness counts as notifying your employer of your need for a reasonable accommodation under the PWFA.

Other reasonable accommodations include time off for medical appointments related to pregnancy or childbirth, more frequent bathroom breaks, or light duty due to pregnancy related limits on heavy lifting.

If you are experiencing discrimination or retaliation on the basis of your pregnancy or other protected status, contact Kitzer Rochel. Our experienced employment law attorneys would be happy to discuss your case and understand your legal rights and options.

OSHA Retaliation Explained: Reporting Unsafe Working Conditions

As an employee, you have the right to work in a safe environment. If you believe that your workplace is unsafe, you have the right to report it without fear of retaliation. Unfortunately, many employers do not take kindly to employees who report unsafe working conditions, and they may retaliate against them. This retaliation is not only illegal, but it can also be dangerous for the employee and their coworkers.

The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA) is a federal law that sets standards for workplace safety and health. Under this law, employees have the right to report unsafe working conditions to their employer or to OSHA without fear of retaliation. Retaliation can come in many forms, such as demotion, termination, reduced hours, or other adverse actions.

OSHA has a Whistleblower Protection Program that protects employees who report unsafe working conditions from retaliation. This program protects employees who report violations of OSHA regulations, as well as those who participate in OSHA inspections or proceedings.

If you believe that you have been retaliated against for reporting unsafe working conditions, you may have the right to pursue a claim. Contact experienced employment attorneys today to learn more about your rights.

Brian Rochel Testifies at Minnesota Senate in Favor of Noncompete Ban

On March 15, 2023, the Minnesota Senate Judiciary Committee heard testimony on a bill that would ban noncompete agreements in Minnesota. Brian Rochel testified as an expert on the bill, SF 405, explaining how noncompete agreements harm workers and the economy.

The bill passed the Judiciary Committee and is moving quickly through the legislature.

If you have questions about noncompete agreements, including Minnesota and federal laws seeking to stop the problematic spread of noncompete agreements, please contact Kitzer Rochel.

Congress Passes New Critical Protections for Pregnant Workers

On December 22, 2022, the Senate passed the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA). Advocates for fair and equitable working conditions for pregnant workers have been fighting for passage of this Act over the past ten years and the bill is finally on its way to the White House after strong bipartisan support.

When a worker is pregnant, they may face difficult challenges at work. Oftentimes, they are asked to perform job duties that put their health and safety at risk; they may have their pay reduced or be required to take unpaid leave; or they could be terminated from their position because of their condition. These are all types of discrimination and retaliation the PWFA now prohibits.

The PWFA is intended to protect pregnant workers from experiencing this kind of treatment at a time when they need stability and security in their job the most.

If you are experiencing discrimination or retaliation on the basis of your pregnancy or other protected status, contact Kitzer Rochel. Our experienced employment law attorneys would be happy to discuss your case and understand your legal rights and options.

Brian Rochel and Phillip Kitzer Present at Employee Rights Conference

The National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA) holds a special conference for its Eighth Circuit Chapter once every two years. The 2022 conference was held on October 14-15, in St. Louis, MO. NELA is the largest organization of lawyers who represent workers in the United States and is focused exclusively on advancing employee rights and making the workplace better for all Americans.

The Biannual Eight Circuit NELA Conference provides several days of intensive, high-quality continuing legal education (CLE) training for employment lawyers. Both Phillip Kitzer and Brian Rochel were honored to be invited to speak at the Conference.

Phillip presented on the Conference’s lead panel, along with co-presenter Frances Baillon. Phillip and Frances discussed the latest updates to employment-related cases throughout the Eighth Circuit and the Supreme Court.

Brian, along with co-panelists Paige Fiedler and Kevin Baldwin, presented on a panel titled, “Valuing Emotional Distress Damages.” The panel provided an animated discussion among seasoned employment lawyers on the topic of valuing a plaintiff’s emotional distress throughout a case.

If you feel you have experienced discrimination, harassment, or retaliation related to your employment, contact us at Kitzer Rochel. Our experienced employment law attorneys would be happy to discuss your case and help you understand your legal rights and options.


Minnesota Legalized Some Forms of Marijuana for Recreational Use-What Does that Mean for Employees?

In July 2022, Minnesota passed a bill to legalize certain kinds of marijuana for recreational use. The new law modifies Minnesota’s list of controlled substances to exclude “industrial hemp” products that contain no more than 0.3 percent of any form of THC. The law also allows individuals ages 21 or older to purchase edible and drinkable products containing no more than five milligrams of THC per serving and no more than 50 milligrams of THC per package.

You may want to celebrate by partaking in some of the new THC-infused products sold at your local store, but keep in mind there may still be employment consequences, depending on the type of job you have and the policies your employer has in place.

The Minnesota Lawful Product Consumption Act prohibits employers from refusing to hire a job applicant or discipline or discharge an employee because they have engaged in the use or enjoyment of products that are lawful for consumption, such as the THC-infused products which are now legal in Minnesota. However, if the use of these products could impair an employee in such a way that limits their ability to do their job, such as driving, there are exceptions to the Act.

If your employer or a prospective employer has not followed these legal requirements, or you have experienced retaliation for using lawful consumable products, contact us. Our experienced employment law attorneys would be happy to discuss your case and help you understand your legal rights and options.

Are Real Estate Agents Protected from Harassment and Discrimination under the Minnesota Human Rights Act (MHRA)?

The Minnesota Human Rights Act (“MHRA” or “Act”) protects individuals from discrimination in the workplace,[1] including sexual harassment as a form of gender discrimination.[2] Workers are further protected against termination, demotion, or other retaliatory employment actions in response to reporting discrimination or sexual harassment.[3] Ultimately, the MHRA was designed to “provide more expansive protections to Minnesotans than federal law,” its provisions intended to be “construed liberally.”[4]

Enacted in 1973, the law under the MHRA is generally well-developed. That said, few cases have been litigated regarding MHRA protections for real estate agents in particular. This gap in litigation has led to a gray zone surrounding the question of whether real estate agents receive MHRA protection for workplace harassment and discrimination.

This question can be answered through two main lenses: (1) by considering real estate agents as employees for purposes of the MHRA or (2) by looking to other subdivisions of the MHRA that grant real estate agents protection regardless of employee status.

The MHRA expressly protects employees from unfair discriminatory practices and retaliation.[5] Courts traditionally look to a variety of factors to determine whether an individual constitutes an employee or an independent contractor.[6] Such factors include, for example, the method of payment, who provides the necessary tools/office space, and the level of control the employer has over the worker.[7] Under Minnesota law, the level of control an employer has over an individual is the most important factor—the more control, the more likely that person constitutes an employee.[8] While the control factor plays heavily into MHRA cases, courts have opted to reframe the analysis as one that examines the economic realities underlying the work relationship to decide “whether the worker is likely to be susceptible to the discriminatory practices Title VII was designed to eliminate.”[9] Given the close working relationship between real estate agents and their brokerages (which agents typically have exclusive contracts with), Minnesota courts would likely consider real estate agents to be employees for purposes of the MHRA, as their position leaves them “susceptible to the discriminatory practices Title VII was designed to eliminate.”[10]

That said, because the MHRA was designed to be widely inclusive, real estate agents may find protection under other sections of the Act regardless of employee status.

The MHRA also prohibits any “person having the right to sell, rent or lease any real property from “discriminat[ing] against any person or group of persons because of … sex … in the terms, conditions or privileges of the sale, rental or lease of any real property or in the furnishing of facilities or services in connection therewith.”[11] Current case law addressing this section of the MHRA primarily concerns the relationship between a seller and buyer or renter of real property.[12] However, the language of the statute prohibiting sex discrimination in connection with real estate services may apply to the broker-agent relationship. As service providers in the real estate industry, real estate agents may fall under the protection afforded by the MHRA.

Similarly, the MHRA prohibits “any real estate broker, real estate salesperson, or employee or agent thereof [from] intentionally engag[ing] in any reprisal against any person because that person opposed” a forbidden.[13] The language “prohibiting reprisal against any person” likely supports any report by a real estate agent of sexual harassment or discrimination as protected, regardless of employee status.

Finally, the MHRA forbids “business discrimination.” In other words, contracting parties cannot “discriminate on the basic terms, conditions, or performance of the contract because of a person’s race, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, or disability.”[14] In the agent-broker context, the following examples would constitute business discrimination under the MHRA:

  • A broker or agency’s termination of a real estate agent’s contract because of discriminatory reasons;
  • A broker or agency’s termination of a real estate agent’s contract because the agent reported discrimination or sexual harassment; and
  • A broker or agency offering a contract to a real estate agent contingent on that agent submitting to romantic or sexual advances.

Ultimately, the law governing the broker-agent relationship under the MHRA is slim. While this article provides a general overview of relevant Minnesota law, each case presents unique circumstances that are best analyzed by a practicing employment law attorney.


[1] Minn. Stat. Ann. § 363A.08.

[2] Minn. Stat. § 363A.03, subd. 13.

[3] Minn. Stat. Ann. § 363A.15.

[4] Kenneh v. Homeward Bound, Inc., 944 N.W.2d 222, 229 (Minn. 2020) (quoting Minn. Stat. § 363A.04).

[5] Minn. Stat. Ann. § 363A.08.

[6] Creative Non-Violence v. Reid, 490 U.S. 730, 751-52 (1989).

[7] Abel v. Abbott Nw. Hosp., 947 N.W.2d 58, 75 (Minn. 2020).

[8] Id.

[9] Wilde v. County of Kandiyohi, 15 F.3d 103, 105 (8th Cir. 1994).

[10] Id.

[11] Minn. Stat. Ann. § 363A.09, Subd. 1(2).

[12] See, e.g., Fletcher Props. v. City of Minneapolis, 947 N.W.2d 1, 16 (Minn. 2020) (noting that the refusal to rent property because of public assistance use constitutes an unfair discriminatory practice); Fletcher Props. v. City of Minneapolis, 931 N.W.2d 410, 416 (Minn. Ct. App. 2019) (noting that landlords cannot discriminate against tenants with regard to public assistance status).

[13] Minn. Stat. Ann. § 363A.15.

[14] Minn. Stat. § 363A.17(3); see also Minn. Stat. § 363A.03, subd. 30 (“person” includes partnership, association, [and] corporation . . .”).