Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Phillip Kitzer and Brian Rochel Present at Prestigious National Conference for Workers’ Rights

The National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA) held its Annual Convention in San Francisco, California from June 30 through July 3, 2022. NELA is the largest organization of lawyers who represent workers in the United States and is focused exclusively on advancing employee rights and making the workplace better for all Americans. The Annual Convention is […]

Phillip Kitzer Presents at Minnesota State Bar Association Event

In May 2022, Phillip Kitzer, along with Jessica Roe, led a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) presentation titled, “Oh Henry! An Analysis of Adverse Employment Actions and Other Legal Issues.” The panel, hosted by the Minnesota State Bar Association (MSBA), discussed adverse employment actions, constructive discharge, and the Frieler affirmative defense in light of a recently […]

Phillip Kitzer and Brian Rochel Present at Prestigious National Conference for Workers’ Rights

The National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA) held its Annual Convention in San Francisco, California from June 30 through July 3, 2022. NELA is the largest organization of lawyers who represent workers in the United States and is focused exclusively on advancing employee rights and making the workplace better for all Americans. The Annual Convention is […]

Phillip Kitzer Presents at Minnesota State Bar Association Event

In May 2022, Phillip Kitzer, along with Jessica Roe, led a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) presentation titled, “Oh Henry! An Analysis of Adverse Employment Actions and Other Legal Issues.” The panel, hosted by the Minnesota State Bar Association (MSBA), discussed adverse employment actions, constructive discharge, and the Frieler affirmative defense in light of a recently […]