Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Biden Signs New Law Limiting Arbitration in Sexual Harassment Claims

Employment claims are often subject to arbitration clauses. This means that employees who want to assert their rights and file a lawsuit are forced to arbitrate their claims instead of going to court. While there are some advantages to arbitration, the arbitration process often favors employers and arbitration clauses reduce the options available to employees […]

When Do I Get My Final Paycheck?

When an employee resigns or is terminated, they usually wonder when they will get their last paycheck. When must a company pay a final paycheck, and when could it become wage theft? First, if an employee is discharged or terminated, then they must be paid “immediately upon demand.” That means that an employee can request […]

Biden Signs New Law Limiting Arbitration in Sexual Harassment Claims

Employment claims are often subject to arbitration clauses. This means that employees who want to assert their rights and file a lawsuit are forced to arbitrate their claims instead of going to court. While there are some advantages to arbitration, the arbitration process often favors employers and arbitration clauses reduce the options available to employees […]

When Do I Get My Final Paycheck?

When an employee resigns or is terminated, they usually wonder when they will get their last paycheck. When must a company pay a final paycheck, and when could it become wage theft? First, if an employee is discharged or terminated, then they must be paid “immediately upon demand.” That means that an employee can request […]