Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Phillip Kitzer Presents on COVID-19 Legal Panel

On November 16, 2021, Phillip Kitzer participated on a panel titled “COVID Update – Developing Issues, Impacts, and Legal Implications of COVID in the Workplace.” The panel, hosted by the Minnesota State Bar Association, discussed vaccine mandates by employers, disability accommodations, religious accommodations, whistleblower implications, safety implications and updated guidance from the EEOC. The panel […]

Phillip Kitzer Presents to Minnesota NELA on Key Employment Cases and Important Legislation for Employee Advocates

On November 9, 2021, Phillip Kitzer presented “Key Cases and Important Legislation Employee Advocates Should Know” to the Minnesota Chapter of the National Employment Lawyers’ Association (MN-NELA). Mr. Kitzer co-presented with Kaarin Nelson Schaffer, partner of Conrad Nelson Schaffer. MN-NELA is a professional organization of lawyers dedicated to advancing the rights of workers by providing […]

Phillip Kitzer Presents on COVID-19 Legal Panel

On November 16, 2021, Phillip Kitzer participated on a panel titled “COVID Update – Developing Issues, Impacts, and Legal Implications of COVID in the Workplace.” The panel, hosted by the Minnesota State Bar Association, discussed vaccine mandates by employers, disability accommodations, religious accommodations, whistleblower implications, safety implications and updated guidance from the EEOC. The panel […]

Phillip Kitzer Presents to Minnesota NELA on Key Employment Cases and Important Legislation for Employee Advocates

On November 9, 2021, Phillip Kitzer presented “Key Cases and Important Legislation Employee Advocates Should Know” to the Minnesota Chapter of the National Employment Lawyers’ Association (MN-NELA). Mr. Kitzer co-presented with Kaarin Nelson Schaffer, partner of Conrad Nelson Schaffer. MN-NELA is a professional organization of lawyers dedicated to advancing the rights of workers by providing […]