Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)
Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)
I received a severance agreement, should I contact an employment lawyer?
/in Blog, EmploymentAs lawyers representing employees, we are often asked when it is a good idea to have a lawyer review a severance agreement. The short answer is: almost always. First, any severance agreement that releases legal claims (virtually all of them do) requires an employee to know whether they have any legal claims that they are […]
Equal Pay Laws Necessary Tool In Fight Against Gender Pay Gap
/in BlogThe “me too” and “time’s up” movements focus primarily on sexual harassment and abuse in the workplace. But the movements have also raised awareness of a problem that has persisted throughout U.S. history: gender pay disparity. The gender pay gap is the gap between what men and women are paid. It refers to the average annual pay […]
I received a severance agreement, should I contact an employment lawyer?
/in Blog, EmploymentAs lawyers representing employees, we are often asked when it is a good idea to have a lawyer review a severance agreement. The short answer is: almost always. First, any severance agreement that releases legal claims (virtually all of them do) requires an employee to know whether they have any legal claims that they are […]
Equal Pay Laws Necessary Tool In Fight Against Gender Pay Gap
/in BlogThe “me too” and “time’s up” movements focus primarily on sexual harassment and abuse in the workplace. But the movements have also raised awareness of a problem that has persisted throughout U.S. history: gender pay disparity. The gender pay gap is the gap between what men and women are paid. It refers to the average annual pay […]