Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Who Owns a Mobile Phone or Smartphone Used for Work?

Employees and workers frequently ask who owns a smartphone that is used for work purposes. The answer is, it depends. Many companies provide mobile phones to employees for work-related use or cover the costs of personal phones as part of a benefit policy. Usually, the question of ownership doesn’t arise. However, if you find yourself […]

What If I Fail a Drug or Alcohol Test at Work?

Employer-administered drug and alcohol testing in Minnesota is governed by the Minnesota Drug and Alcohol Testing in the Workplace Act (DATWA). If your employer or prospective employer requires you to take a drug or alcohol and you fail, you have certain legal rights. If you test positive, you must be given written notice of your […]

Who Owns a Mobile Phone or Smartphone Used for Work?

Employees and workers frequently ask who owns a smartphone that is used for work purposes. The answer is, it depends. Many companies provide mobile phones to employees for work-related use or cover the costs of personal phones as part of a benefit policy. Usually, the question of ownership doesn’t arise. However, if you find yourself […]

What If I Fail a Drug or Alcohol Test at Work?

Employer-administered drug and alcohol testing in Minnesota is governed by the Minnesota Drug and Alcohol Testing in the Workplace Act (DATWA). If your employer or prospective employer requires you to take a drug or alcohol and you fail, you have certain legal rights. If you test positive, you must be given written notice of your […]