Entries by Admin

Brian Rochel and Phillip Kitzer Recognized as Super Lawyers

Kitzer Rochel is proud to announce that Brian Rochel and Phillip Kitzer have both been selected as a Minnesota Super Lawyer in 2022. Attorneys are selected based on their professional accomplishments and leadership skills. Both Mr. Rochel and Mr. Kitzer are highly dedicated attorneys who practice on behalf of employees involved in a wide variety […]

NPR Details Struggle Workers Face as a Result of Long COVID

We have discussed Long COVID here before. In an important article, NPR discussed the latest updates on Long COVID and its impact on workers. The article also discusses disability laws, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Minnesota Human Rights Act (MHRA), and how they interact with employees experiencing Long COVID. Long COVID […]

Who Owns a Mobile Phone or Smartphone Used for Work?

Employees and workers frequently ask who owns a smartphone that is used for work purposes. The answer is, it depends. Many companies provide mobile phones to employees for work-related use or cover the costs of personal phones as part of a benefit policy. Usually, the question of ownership doesn’t arise. However, if you find yourself […]

What If I Fail a Drug or Alcohol Test at Work?

Employer-administered drug and alcohol testing in Minnesota is governed by the Minnesota Drug and Alcohol Testing in the Workplace Act (DATWA). If your employer or prospective employer requires you to take a drug or alcohol and you fail, you have certain legal rights. If you test positive, you must be given written notice of your […]

Phillip Kitzer Presents at Minnesota State Bar Association Event

In May 2022, Phillip Kitzer, along with Jessica Roe, led a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) presentation titled, “Oh Henry! An Analysis of Adverse Employment Actions and Other Legal Issues.” The panel, hosted by the Minnesota State Bar Association (MSBA), discussed adverse employment actions, constructive discharge, and the Frieler affirmative defense in light of a recently […]

Minnesota is an At-Will Employment State, What Does That Mean?

When you hear that Minnesota is an “at-will” employment state, you may wonder what that means for you as an employee. It simply means you can quit your job for any reason at any time, you do not have to give notice nor a reason to your employer for leaving your position. However, it also […]

Is Long Haul COVID-19 a Disability under the Law?

After dealing with COVID-19 for over two years, many people who have dealt with the novel coronavirus are also dealing with longer term symptoms and they are not going away easily. This is known as “Long Haul COVID-19.” Long Haul COVID-19 is becoming more common and impacting the lives of many people. It causes many […]

FAIR Act to End Forced Arbitration Passes in House, Moves to Senate

On March 17, 2022 the Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal Act of 2022 (“FAIR Act”) passed the U.S. House of Representatives and has been referred to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. This bill makes pre-dispute arbitration clauses unenforceable in certain cases, including employment cases. A similar bill that makes pre-dispute arbitration clauses unenforceable in sexual […]

Brian Rochel Presents at CLE on Minnesota Employment Law

On March 30, 2022, Brian Rochel presented on a panel entitled “McDonnell Douglas and the Direct Method – A New Normal on the Horizon?” The presentation focused on the McDonnell Douglas (or indirect) burden shifting method for proving discrimination and retaliation claims. The Minnesota Supreme Court is currently deciding whether Minnesota courts will continue applying […]